
Snow is a big part of my life these days. I have never seen so much snow, except maybe when I lived here in 2000/1, but this much so soon is very unusual. Last night we had 40cm and today we are expecting another 30cm. Obviously, they are well set up here to deal with it and the ploughs work 24/7 as well as the lorries that have to take it all away, but I wonder how much they can cope with? I can't say that I am too worried. Even if the power goes out we have the wood burning stove which we keep lit pretty much all the time, and we have plenty of wood. I'm glad that I don't have to commute anywhere though.

Went snowboarding yesterday and although I have been a few times before this was my first proper lesson. Now I can pretty much go down the mountain properly without falling over (usually). Just need to keep practising so going to do plenty of evening sessions at Rigaud, it's not a very big mountain but its good for practising and its cheap and close by. Today I ache in my shoulders and calves but I expect I will get over that after a few sessions.
