Concrete at last!

After many weeks of waiting and delays we have concrete! The concrete has a pigment to give it a more brownish hue and it will eventually be polished to make the final floor surface for the entire ground floor. The pour went well and all of the main house floor was completed. On Monday, the garage and the galleries will also be finished. Luckily, the weather isn't too cold (between 0 and 8C) and no snow or rain. Chad the concrete guy did notice a problem with the design though. The garage door by the front is 7" higher than the gallery by the front of the house. When the ground is built back up to the garage and the house, there would have to be a ramp going up to access the garage. Really, glad that this was spotted now as it means that the gallery can be raised and the styrofoam by the garage door can be cut down slightly.  Now the gallery will be higher than the garage entrance, which is how it should be.

Concrete pour video
