Baby Oscar

Sunday night and Sabrina was having some mild contractions and Oscar seemed to move down her body even further. She looked like she had a football up her shirt (see pic). Monday morning at 9am and Sabrina's waters broke. We went to the hospital at 11am as the contractions weren't too bad at that point. A couple of hours later and Sabrina went in the whirlpool tub which really sped things up as an hour later she wanted to push. After an hour of pushing it was all over, an all natural birth without drugs. Sabrina was looking really good, and I think all the joga paid off! I guess we were also very lucky to have such a relatively easy labour.

We were moved to our maternity room where we both stayed until today (Thurs). Everyone was really nice at the hospital and the facilities were excellent. Our own room with an en suite bathroom and a fold out bed for me, all part of the free medicare service (Canadian NHS). I had bacon, sausage, and egg for breakfast, and a coffee in the canteen for $2.60, what a bargain.

We haven't had that much sleep the last couple of nights (no surprises there) but it's really good to be back home again.

Oscar Timothy Robert Wood, born at Lakeshore Hospital Montreal on March 11th 2008, weighing in at 7lbs 40z.
