Preparation visit to Canada

I was lucky enough to get invited to a conference in Halifax (Nova Scotia) so we managed to get our flights paid to Montreal and combine the conference with an action packed two weeks of sorting things out for the big move. One of the first things we needed to do was get a car so that we didn't have to rely on lifts to our new place all the time. Besides, we need a car as soon as we arrive properly because there aren't any buses where we will be living, and civilisation is a 10 min car ride away. After looking and looking we got a 2005 Ford Escape (made by Mazda). We did feel a bit guilty getting such a big vehicle but our justification was that we needed something with plenty of space for when we start building the house. Also, we wanted something solid with four wheel drive as driving in snow and ice with a new baby we want to be well protected. Quebec roads are full of pot holes and cracks so the off-road suspension is useful. Besides, working from home at least we won't be commuting so mileage should be fairly low. Although it has a V6 3 litre engine, this is not actually that big by Canadian standards. Does that sound convincing enough?
