We ended up getting quite a substantial landscaping job done. I originally envisaged some basic moulding of the land to ensure the rain water flowed away from the house, but one thing led to another. I have to say the guy who did it was excellent. Same guy/s who did the main excavating, drilled the well, put the drive in and the septic tank- Gaston Le Febvre. Robert made some steps on one side of the house through the retaining wall. They are just made of flat boulder he found and placed but it looks like they were carved for the job. He also placed all our spare boulders in creative ways including in the middle of the loop he built in our drive. We can now drive in and out without having to reverse, in case you were wondering how a loop worked.
We ended up with a lot more grass than I had planned. Good job we bought a ride on mower with our relatives next door. Some guy was selling one off cheap. I also had to buy a petrol leaf blower otherwise the carpet of falling leaves would have wrecked our seedling grass.
I think the overall result looks rather like the scene of 'In the Night Garden' one of Oscar's favourite Brit shows.