Decisions and more decisions

Building a house requires a lot of decision making, particularly if you are your own general contractor. Recently, we have had to decide on the final style and size of windows and opted for double hung (sash) windows that are wood with aluminium cladding on the outside. We have ordered elite windows from a local distributor who will also provide an installation service including fitting all the interior window mouldings. However, we still have to decide upon and purchase the materials for the mouldings. In the kitchen we had to decide whether or not to have support braces removed from the kitchen area to make way for cabinets. We decided to keep them all as we haven't fully designed the cabinet layout yet, and we can always take them out later if need be. Besides, we like the aesthetic of the wooden braces. Then Hamlet noticed that we had designed our kitchen windows too low and they would interfere with the counter top. After changing the sizes we then decided to not to install one of the kitchen windows in order to provide more useable wall space. There should be plenty of light but if it isn't right we could always add another window in later and it's easier this way than taking a window out. Anyway, these are just some of the examples of the things we have to decide upon but there are a thousand other decisions to be made about tiles, taps, switches, lights, basins etc........
