Woodland clearing

Spring is here although it feels more like we skipped Spring and went straight to Summer as it has been +20/25C for the last two weeks and the snow has finally gone.

We have started clearing the land by cutting down all the brush where we think the house will go. Next we will hire a surveyor to put together an implementation plan, which is basically a scale drawing showing where the house, drive, well etc. are going to go. We can then get a permit to cut down the trees where the house, drive etc. will be. Must buy a chainsaw. The constuction plans should be done by the end of the week and then we can apply for the building permit.

The woods are now teeming with wildlife and I managed to catch this woodepecker pecking out a rotten tree. Don't know what kind it is but it was about a foot long. Some of them sound like jack hammers when they are pecking at full speed.
