Trail clearing

Decided to clear a trail from Tom and Melissa's land across to ours and back in a big loop so that we can ride the skidoo and the ATV around it. The idea was to clear out any small trees so that there was a clear run. However, after discovering that you sink almost up to your waist in snow when walking we had to abandon that plan for now. Took the skidoo about 100 metres into the woods before I sunk into the snow after slowing down to avoid a tree. It took about an hour to get it back to the house!

Bought some snow shoes yesterday so I can walk around the woods without sinking. It's a bit like walking on top of a giant marshmallow and is great fun. Will have another go at clearing a trail but really we should have started with the first snow fall. Woke up to another blizzard this morning, it's a good job we don't have to go anywhere today. I will shovel the path again later and dig the car out again. At least I am getting plenty of exercise!
