Hello Canada

Finally we are here. The trip over went pretty smoothly. The cats were not too happy about the journey and fellow travellers at both Heathrow and Trudeau airports were wondering what kind of strange beast could make such a noise (Mao). Both cats settled in really quickly and are now up to their old tricks again.

We have been dashing around for days buying furniture (mostly Ikea), sorting out bills, going to the hospital for baby scans (doing fine), buying DIY stuff, plumbing in washers and dryers etc.... All of this stuff takes three times longer than you expect. Still, it's kind of rewarding when things get done.

The cottage is really cosy and warm. We lit the wood burning stove last night for the first time and it was roasting. I know it's not that cold yet but I think the cottage must be pretty well insulated. It is incredibly quiet here at night, not a sound apart from the cats jumping around the place. Now that we have a couch, and most other essentials, it feels like a home. When you close the door at night you could be pretty much anywhere.

It was reasonably sunny and warm for the first few days. Now it is snowing, although it is still around +3C. We bought a set of steel rims for the car complete with a set of snow tyres just in time for the first snow fall. The tyres are quite nobbly with a really soft compound, and they grip very well in the snow and the ice. Four wheel drive is useful, although we haven't needed it yet, but the traction is only ever as good as the rubber on the road. I think the tyres are definitely worth the money and the other wheels are now safely stored away in a barn until Spring. The snow is kind of exciting for a British person like myself, although no doubt I will be sick of it after a few months. Have to get into snowboarding and skidooing to make the most of it, if we ever get the time.

The broadband connection and router are now fully functionally so we feel completely in touch with the rest of the world again. Skype is a godsend for free international calls and Facebook is a great way to keep in touch with what everyone is doing. Still need to get some office furniture sorted out so that we can really get back into working full-time. Have to keep bringing the money in so that we can build our house. Just been offered some work by The Nova Scotia Gaming Corporation. Good to do some local(ish) projects.

Must take some more pictures when we get a chance
