Building walls
After digging out the snow around the building we were ready to build the end wall of the basement and the missing bits from the side walls. Hamlet helped us out and by lunch time the basic walls were done. We just have to cut out the holes for the windows and door and strengthen above them with lintels. Next weekend we are going to put in the sub-floor (beam, joists, plywood) which will be the ground floor (basement ceiling). We will then cover it over with a big tarpaulin and this will act as a temporary roof and keep the snow and other Wintery stuff out of the basement. The only problem is that I have to get all of the existing snow out of the basement so that we can put the support posts in. Today I spent 2 hours shoveling and managed to shift about a third of the snow. Either, I find a better snow removal solution or maybe I should just consider it good exercise? The trouble is that more snow is forecast next week and the sub-floor won't go in until the weekend.